
not even YOU, but you may read anyway!

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

I've been soooooo busy! Last week my mom was here and just this last weekend I had the privledge of attending..............The Audio Engineering Society's 4 day convention in LA. Oh the geeky horror! You gamers and computer types think you're geeks, think again! I attended some lovely workshops and saw all the newest techno wizardry available to the engineering community. Actually, it was rather lame. Not much new has happened since the last time I went 2 years ago.

I did get to stay ay a really scary Best Western in the middle of downtown LA. I can't really even describe the vibe down there. Just scary and poor and dirty. I saw a bum digging through trash in front of the hotel, as often they do. But I was surprised when I watched pull from the trash can a 5 quart jug that had been used to hold diesel motor oil just 5 minutes before, pour in some malt liquer, swish it around and then drink it out of the oil can! What was up with that? I thought about asking him right then. What good can come of Old English and 20W 50 diesel? Weird.

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