
not even YOU, but you may read anyway!

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Weee Doggies, long time no blog! Um, yeah....Sorry 'bout that. I wish I had more interesting stuff going on that I felt that y'all would wanna hear about it. I won 1st place in the 1st timer's class of a high power rifle competition weekend before last. Wooo Hoo! A whopping $5 prize. I guess its better than a bop in the nose. Finished a long and grueling recording session that was all last week for a recording that no one will ever want to listen too. Just like all of our recordings. It still looks like I'm gonna be moving to Alaska this summer. Last chance for goodies from CA, let me know if you want anything like Jack In the Box antennae thingies or sea lion droppings and the like. Oh, and the biggest and bestest news! As if the chummlies at AT&T Broadband read my last post, I now get the food network as part of my cable package. Iron Chef is in MY house!! Damn they make some fucked up and unappatizing shit sometimes.

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